[2016FT全球商学院排名GMAT+IELTS分数要求]想要读商科,只有美国才是最佳选择吗? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Date: 2016/9/8 Visits: 88026 Type: 雅思 Author: 合肥中皖外国语培训学校-安徽省中皖科教服务有限公司 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
越来越多的留学生选择去顶尖商学院就读MBA或是管理类研究生项目,没错,虽然在备考及学费上的投入较高,但在世界顶尖商学院就读可以开了解国际商业运作方式,也为毕业后的高薪求职路带去更多的机会。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
为什么越来越多的留学生选择去顶尖商学院就读MBA或是管理类研究生项目呢?没错,虽然在备考及学费上的投入相对较高,但在世界顶尖商学院就读不仅可以开阔大家的眼界,了解国际商业运作方式等,也为大家毕业后的高薪求职路带去更多的机会。 近期,GMAC对4766位两年制Full-time MBA就业状况进行了追踪调查,结果发现92%的毕业生表示满意毕业后的工作。而校友的的就业范围也是非常的广泛,除产品/服务,技术,金融/会计等三大热门行业外,政府/非赢利组织,咨询,医药和能源等行业校友的供职比例也各自稳定在5%-10%左右。
那么,不知正在准备申请商学院MBA及管理类研究生项目的伙伴们是不是也在学校的选择上有着各自的纠结,是不是都使出了洪荒之力在为自己所梦想的美国顶尖商学院申请做准备。没错,美国的确在商学院项目上具有相当的学术实力及师资力量,不过,大家也别盲目崇拜,还是需要基于个人的留学目的及自身能力等进行多角度分析判断选择最适合自己的留学目的地国。其实很多国家都拥有优秀的商科院校及MBA和其他商科项目。下面我们来看看2016英国金融时报(FT)最新发布全球商学院的前10名及对GMAT和IELTS的成绩要求。 Rank in 2016 School Name GMAT Score IELTS score 1 Insead MBA, Full Time (1 year) : Average Total: 701 7 (Postgraduate); 7.5 (MBA) Master in Finance (2 years): GMAT Accepted Executive MBA Programmes (2 years): GMAT Accepted PhD Program (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted 2 Harvard Business School Doctor of Business Administration (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted 7 (Postgraduate); 7.5 (MBA) MBA, Full Time (2 years): Average Score: 730 PhD Program (2 years): GMAT Accepted 3 London Business School Global Masters in Management (2 years): Average Total: 685 Accept IELTS, contact school for score Masters in Finance, Full Time (1 year): GMAT Accepted Masters in Financial Analysis (1 year): Average Total: 710 Masters in Management (1 year): Average Total: 685 MBA, Full Time (15-21 months) (2 years): Average Total: 705 PhD Program (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted Masters in Finance, Part Time (2 years): GMAT Accepted Sloan Masters in Leadership and Strategy (1 year): GMAT Accepted EMBA-Global Americas and Europe (2 years): GMAT Accepted Executive MBA (London) (2 years): GMAT Required 4 University of Pennsylvania: Wharton Doctoral Program (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted Accept IELTS, contact school for score Lauder Institute (2 years): GMAT Accepted MBA (2 years): Average Total: 725 MBA for Executives (2 years): Average Total: 700 San Francisco MBA for Executives (2 years): Average Total: 700 5 Stanford Graduate School of Business Doctoral Program,Full-time (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted 7 (Postgraduate) MBA, Full Time,Full-time (2 years): Average Total: 732, Range of Total: 550 - 790 Stanford MSx Program,Full-time (1 year): Median Total: 690 6 Columbia Business School Economic Policy Management (2 years): GMAT Accepted Accept IELTS, contact school for score MBA, Full Time (2 years): GMAT Preferred, Average Total: 716 PhD Program (More than 2 years) : GMAT Accepted EMBA-Global Americas and Europe (2 years): Average Total: 638 EMBA-New York Friday/Saturday (2 years): GMAT Accepted 7 University of California at Berkeley: Haas Master of Financial Engineering (1 year): GMAT Accepted 7 (MBA) MBA, Full Time (2 years): Average Total: 714 PhD Program (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted MBA, Evening & Weekend (More than 2 years): Median Total: 700 MBA for Executives (2 years): GMAT Accepted 8 University of Chicago: Booth MBA, Full Time (2 years): Average Total: 724 7 (MBA) PhD Program (More than 2 years): Average Total: 745 MBA, Part Time, Evening MBA (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted MBA, Part-Time, Weekend MBA (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted Executive MBA - North America (2 years): GMAT Required 9 MIT: Sloan Doctoral Program (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted 7 (MBA) MBA, Full Time (2 years): Average Total: 714 MS in Finance (1 year): Middle 80% Range: 700 - 770 MS in Management Studies (1 year): Average Total: 714 Sloan Fellows Program in Innovation & Leadership (1 year): GMAT Accepted System Design and Management (1 year): GMAT Accepted Executive MBA (2 years): GMAT Accepted 10 University of Cambridge: Judge Master of Finance (1 year): GMAT Accepted 7.5 (Postgraduate) MPhil in Finance (1 year): GMAT Accepted The Cambridge MBA (1 year): Average Total: 690 Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship (1 year): Average Total: 600+ Executive MBA (2 years): Average Total: 680 大家可以看到,中国留学生所热衷的申请目的地国排名前五位的大学里除了三所美国的知名院校外,还有位于法国的欧洲工商管理学院和英国的伦敦商学院。此外,西班牙IE商学院,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学,加拿大多伦多大学等各国顶尖院校也同样出现在FT商学院排名的前100位列表中。这些院校对雅思分数的要求大致在6.5-7分。在选择院校时,大家可以全方位的考量留学目的地国及学校,申请最适合自己的商学院。此外全球有超过9000所院校机构承认雅思成绩,加上GMAT考试-两份成绩单足可以帮助大家申请到世界各地的顶尖商学院,帮助伙伴们完成多国联申的梦想。 正在准备GMAT和IELTS考试的伙伴们别忘了GMAT+ IELTS考试官方首度推出的“Go Business, Be Smart”活动:从9月1日至9月30日,凡在中国大陆地区报名雅思考试的考生(不限国籍)参加线上活动,将有机会免费赢取价值49.99美金的GMATPrep® Exam Pack2官方备考资料。
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