独立口语要注重展开细节 |
Date: 2020/12/17 Visits: 694 Type: 考试资讯 Author: 合肥中皖外国语培训学校-安徽省中皖科教服务有限公司 |
一.为什么要有细节? 空洞的语言会让考官感到厌倦,增加细节会让答案更加完整、具体,也更易于让考官快速理解你的观点! 二.如何展开细节? 方法一:像讲故事一样回答,即用具体例子解释抽象单词 例子1:I love to hang out with my friends.(quite abstract) -提问:What will you do when you hang out with your friends? How will you feel? -展开:I’d especially enjoy playing basketball with my buddies. We laugh, shout and jump, trying to shoot ball into the basket. We will always give each other a high-five after a nice shot. 通过描述自己当时的感受和具体的情形来增加细节。 -例子2:I have time to read.(abstract sentence) - try to add more names of books -展开:I have time to read all sorts of books such as Gone with the wind, Nineteen Eighty-four 1984 and Divergent. 说出具体的书名,让回答更有料。 例子3:I’m nervous when I step out onto that stage. -Well, convince me if you are really nervous. What’s your body language?(more concrete) -展开:My legs were trembling and my voice was shuttering (颤抖的) when I stepped onto the stage. In fact, my heart was pounding with the beat that even shout to myself. 描述当时具体的情境,让回答更具体。 【练习时间】 2013-02-23 Task 2: Do you prefer card games or computer games? 思路提示:If you want to talk about computer games, one obvious answer is about excitement that computer games offer. But don’t just talk about this word over and over again. Tell the audience how you get the feeling and what kind of games are you playing exactly. For example,I prefer computer games because computer games offer me great excitement. Sometimes I may compete with other people to see who can be the first one to reach the final destination in a car race. Or who can be the first to find out the treasure that all dim and buried on under the ground. When I win the first prize, that sense of thrill excitement is what car games can never offer. 解释原因时举出实例(玩游戏的感受)会增加细节;做分类(两类游戏)也能丰富答案。 Another feature of computer games may be the background music. So tell the audience what kind of music? Why it is memorable to you? So following the point of excitement。 Besides, computer games usually contain some really nice background music. Once, I came across a computer game whose background music is the same song from the Japanese animation, Doraemon, and this really reminds me of the cute episode i watched when I was little. So I prefer computer games. 讲一段亲身经历,讲故事要比说理更容易带出细节。 方法二:innovation 创新 即用上你平时看得电影,台词,歌词,笑话,身边的故事 2012-09-15NA Task 1: What do you think about the fact that robots finish so many tasks for human beings. Is it a good thing? Now is the dreary Cliché version: I think it is a good thing that robots are finishing so many tasks. For one thing, people are freed of the most pedestrian work. So they have more spare time. Second, robots are extremely efficient so we can trust them with all the tasks. 老生常谈的答案,不会为自己加分,任何人都能想到的理由,说出来没有新意 跳出固化的思维版本 I think it is a horrible idea that robots are finishing so many things for human beings. Some people may think that robots can free them from all sorts of insipid and exhausting work so that they have more time for themselves. However, I think that they overlook one important fact, that is, with the progress of technology, robots will get more and more advanced. One day, they may even learn to think for themselves and overturn the whole human civilization. Movies like Terminator and I, Robot are great examples of this. After all, we can’t expect all the robots to follow the rules and behave properly, just like the robot, R2D2, in Star War. 与看过的电影、听过的音乐或故事相联系,活学活用! 扔掉陈词滥调,发挥你的无限创意吧!拒绝cliché! 综上所述,我们不难看出,要想在托福独立口语取得高分,并不是一件特别困难的事情,只要你在细节上做到内容为王,讲故事,带出情境和具体的描述性语言,让你的论证更具体、更有力;从生活的点滴积累素材,活用看过、听过的好词好句,做改写,做变换,那么突破独立口语这个任务就指日可待了 |
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