雅思写作技巧 |
Date: 2021/3/29 Visits: 2254 Type: 考试资讯 Author: 合肥中皖外国语培训学校-安徽省中皖科教服务有限公司 |
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1.不要在词汇上钻牛角尖 首先,词汇基础非常重要,如果你基础薄弱,还是要加强词汇,安排好时间每天背诵,复习。 如果你词汇基础还行,那不要花费太多的时间钻牛角尖。因为写作文的时候总想用高级表达,到了考场上紧张,就会想不起来,然后就会着急,越写越乱,最后作文都写不完了。 如果你写作的目标是6-6.5,建议一定不要花费大量的时间在高级词汇和复杂句型上,这样不但会浪费大量时间,考场上的发挥也会变得不可控!
作文里突然有个不匹配的高级词汇,整体看起来还是挺不搭的~所以一定要用自己目前熟悉并且能够充分了解的词汇和句型! 2.逻辑清晰,不要假大空 大作文一定不能边想边写,这样思路会混乱,写作时间本来也不够,想重写也来不及了。 因此,要统筹全局,构建好文章框架。 以环境类话题为例,开头段一般是转述题目,着重讲一下论述段怎么写。 1.圈定讨论范围 限定范围的方法有三大类。 第一类是分类,讨论导致环境问题的主要原因有几大类?然后根据分类来对症解决问题。 第二类是前提,如果说想要避免这个环境问题,应该从哪些方面来入手? 第三类是程度,如果想要使环境问题得到优化应该做到什么程度? 从这几类分析之后,文章就会变得非常充实,思路也明显清晰了很多。 2.论述 接下来具体的论述可以从导致环境问题的原因、结果、意义或者解决问题的其他可行方法来展开。 这样其实整个文章的框架就搭建好了,就只需要往里面填写内容就可以啦! 多关注近期机经 多关注近期写作机经上考的话题,并侧重地多准备机经题目,以这些话题做模拟实战,找个老师批改一下,看看自己的水平。 下面给大家附上 2021年1月16的写作真题及参考答案。 A 类小作文 图表类型:流程图 作文题目:橄榄油的加工 参考范文: The flow chart clearly depicts a 7-step process for producing olive oil. This sequence of production starts from handpicking, and eventually ends in sale or storage. At the beginning of the production, plenty of olives need to be picked by hand from the olive trees. After that, the fresh olives are washed in cold water and rinsed several times until they are clean enough. A belt is then used for clean fruitages to go through into a special device where olives are smashed and separated as olive stones and olive paste. In the fourth stage, the live paste is put in a bag with holes and then the whole package is put in another special device so that the package is pressed to get as much liquid as possible. After the liquid is collected, here comes another separation, and once again by using special device, the water and oil come out through different pipelines. Finally, the pure olive oil is collected in bottles and ready for storage or dispatched to the market. Overall, the diagram reveals a logical, multi-staged and complex manufacturing procedure that takes place with olive oil processing. A类大作文 题型类别:报告文 题材类别:教育类 A lot of young people do not know how to manage their money when graduating from high school. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to teach them this important skill? 参考范文 In this day and age, there is an abundance of wealth compared to the past as hundreds of millions have been lifted out of poverty in the past few decades. Nevertheless, this influx of cash has led youngsters to lack the ability to manage their assets, of which the reasons and possible solutions will be further discussed. Initially, numerous parents and grandparents nowadays spoil their children by giving them almost every material good they desire. This is primarily due to the fact that previous generations had to struggle as well as endure hardships, which they do not want their offspring to experience. In addition, money management is not a common subject that is taught in schools and parents may be too preoccupied with their careers to educate their children about this valuable skill. Youngsters might also consider it is easy to earn money in present-day society and they don’t need to manage their funds since they perceive they will be wealthy when they grow up. In order to foster a sense of prudent financial management, older relatives need to lead by example and refrain from indulging in a vast array of products for youngsters. Parents and grandparents need to be thrifty in their spending in order to cultivate positive and sustainable long-term money management habits. Additionally, financial management ought to be taught in school in order to educate young people about the value of saving and not overspending their cash. Last but not least, youngsters need to understand that in reality, earning a high salary or becoming affluent is extremely difficult and they ought to use their assets wisely. All in all, there are a variety of contributing factors that have led young people to develop poor financial management skills stemming from family, education systems and the media. In order to reverse this trend, relatives need to lead by example, schools must teach students about their finances and young people need to be down to earth in their spending habits. |
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